Saturday, August 31, 2013

August Final Reflection, Learning from the Present and Perspective

Editor's Note: I realize that I should have said upfront I would write 3 reflections a month - 1 for chapter review, 1 for wild card review, and 1 for final review of the month. This will need to combine two of these, as I realized that a bit late in the game. First Chapter stuff.

Wild Card Reflection

Any suggestion that insists I go out and buy a box of thin cookies and dip them in tea is a winner for me. And really this became 1 of my favorite activities. I found a wonderful Sea Salt Caramel Chocolate thin wafer that melted perfectly in tea and were infinitely better when used with tea.  The first time I did this, I realized in sitting and drinking my tea, I gave myself permission to stop. I realize I don't do this a lot. And in that stopping, the thoughts that came from that tea were of sitting and drinking tea in Ireland with my Irish family and my 3 travel-mates.  This just crept out of the steam of that mug and made me instantly smile. 1 of the top 5 things I've done in my life - studying abroad, flying for the first time, being seen as beautiful and my own person for the first time, finding my East Coast connection, and experiencing the wonderful world of traveling and exploring anew.

This tea moment was like the many other moments that Mindy - our wild card writer - suggested. I was asked to stop and see, mostly by doing things in the present. She had me drive without destination
(McCall, ID with my kayak), call friends and just listen, read the Tao of Pooh (still on wait list at library and not on book store I visited), journal daily on gratitude and wants in a partner, dream and burn past burdens, hopes for self, family, and friends, and design my journal without thinking.

My two other favorite moments were cooking a meal from farmer's market. I always have good intent in making it there and doing this, but I don't. Her direction to do it, made sure I did. And I created a lovely meal that I bravely took to a party not knowing how it would be. I was also reminded of my work with Cultivate KC and We Are Here To Plant A Tree where I received the seeds for these long beans that I never got to plant, and so bought that day. I am proud of that work there that let me explore my artistic and resourceful self.

And finally was the creation of the puzzle. Mindy has a remarkable way of living her life with her feelings and she urged me to stop and try to do this through listed directives...hoping that I would do this more for myself (is my guess).  The puzzle was such a thing. It was lovely to create the 12 words - 6 from the present and 6 for the future. But more lovely was taking 1 out a day over the course of 12 days. It seemed each day the right one was appearing. I also could
see how each built on each other, and how my present/past helped push me out of my comfort zone to make me these things I treasure about  myself: yoga instructor, friend, smart, creative, educator, and a woman who has had many life choices that have led to cultural exploration and experiences I am so grateful to have.  And to get to the next stage where I feel held up by being pushed out of my comfort zone, I was reminded that doing that exact thing led to my 6 past/present puzzle piece attributes.  So if I did it once, I can do it again. Each of these future pieces connect from one to the next: being true, a lover, a dog owner, a person who trusts in her self, is fun and artful in more regular practice, has a home of peace, friends, and community,  and is a mom.  She helped me see that each piece builds on the other.

Her many wild layers of wild card helped me stop and do, and to reflect on how I must do that more.

Final Reflection

There is so much to reflect on in this the first chapter of OPEN BOOK. Utmost, I am grateful for friends who have signed up to be chapter writers, wild card entries, or whatever else we came up for you. I can feel the love. I also feel that word OPEN I am trying to be more. I have been more open with folk I've met in Boise, trying to be more open at my job, and also more open with my friends. One conversation I had with a friend this month she revealed a lot of challenging times that caused her mental and physical pain. As I empathized, I also was struck by how much she trusted me. And I realized I need to put that same trust in my loved ones.

Paul and Mindy - August's contributors - asked me to stop and either do or reflect. Both were so meaningful and right on target, along with my own lists of investing in my current home. I am proud to say I kept true to both their suggestions with 99% trueness. I feel I realized I need to stop and see, to recognize my strengths, and that hiding from my fears/anxieties doesn't make them less but makes them stronger.  I realized the more positive energy I put out there the more it comes back to me. For real.

I also saw common themes. In Paul's exercises, the forgiveness often started with other folks, but by the end it was all about forgiving me. Char, my confidant, suggested - though not easy - one must do that, because causing yourself more pain doesn't help anything. And though I desperately want someone  to get me and support my deepest needs - she reminded me that we can connect in different ways.

And finally I recognized that I have a right to be hurt that I did not go back to the East Coast, take the job in NYC, be among liberal, urban, gritty folk, or be around my community of Baltimore.  I wanted and deserved to make a choice for a longterm commitment, and I don't feel that here yet. These are my truths and I feel them, and that is okay.  I can only improve this by choosing to speak my voice more, to unturtle, and remind myself that leaving my comfort zone is often when I am happiest. That I am this person I have developed the last decade or so.  I am.  I need to continue to reflect, stop and do, and to honor my feelings as they are my truth. And that is me.

It is time L-O-V-E.

If the going is real easy, beware, you may be headed down hill.-Anonymous 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Step into September (from Kellie)

-In asking me to challenge you in Faith, I assume you knew already I would try to get you a little closer to this rad dude that I know pretty well, my first challenge is for you to read a chapter of the Gospel of John every day (there are only 21 chapters, so give or take a few days for scheduling purposes)

-5 Sundays/weekends in September...try 4 churches or places of worship that interest you and "try" to have a real conversation with someone who interests you there (I know sometimes this is impossible, so that's why I say try).  On the 5th Sunday reflect on the experiences and revisit your favorite and try to reconnect with that person you talked to, if possible

-your meditation is awesome, don't stop!  Love the tattoo, can't wait to see it in real life :-)  Just add one layer to it, which is journaling a potential response from God every now and then when you feel He may be speaking

-Blog one positive thing in one of these areas each week: Career, Community, Character, Companion and/or what I would like to call the spiritual layer binding all of those together: Calling.  So, only 5 categories, and 7 days a week, so 2 categories will get double entries, but let your circumstance dictate which ones they are

That's it, I am praying you have some enlightenment in the areas you have unrest in and grow stronger in the areas you are confident.  Praying that you learn to hear Gods voice more clearly in your life, that you may trust Him and trust yourself more as you journey.

(and a pic of Cousin Chad pretending to meditate on a waterfall. some how relevant) 

Monday, August 19, 2013

August Soundtrack

The Maestro (Nicole) has provided the soundtrack for being present with perspective for August. Enjoy! I have.

"I Feel It All" Feist:
"Origami" Channing and Quinn:
"Empty Page/Start Again" Dana Robinson
"All My Mistakes" Avett Brothers:
"Blood Bank" Bon Iver:
"At My Window" Townes Van Zandt:
"Hands So Small" Low:
"Orange Sky" Alexi Murdoch:
"Stuck In a Moment" U2:
"Through Your Hands" John Hiatt:
"The Whole of the Moon" The Waterboys:

Friday, August 16, 2013

August Wild Card (from Mindy Kruse)

Be in the moment…Focus on the present

Journal Activities:

Turn on some inspiring music, light some incense and get out the art utensils of your choice: pencil,
crayons, color pencils or pastels out and decorate the front of this new journal (arriving in the mail). Do
not plan what it will look like just be in the moment and follow the beat of the music and let your heart
create it.

Each day in this journal write down one thing in this moment you are grateful for in your life.

Each day in this journal write down something that is important to you or about you that what you want
your future significant other to know about you.

Pack your decorated journal and a snack into your new bag (arriving in the mail.) Find a quiet spot at
a park or nature preserve with inviting lush grass…lie down on the blanket, close your eyes, breathe
deeply and just listen.  Let the thoughts that enter come through and flow out, don’t hold on to any one
thought let them keep going.  Feel the earth below you, the sun and breeze on your face and just listen
to the sounds around you. Tense all your muscles and slowly release them.  When you have relaxed long enough write down how you felt, what you smelled and heard and the thoughts that passed through.


It has been a long time since I have read this book but remember it being about living in the now. Read
The Tao of Pooh and use your new bookmark to mark the page of a new revelation that comes to you
while reading.  Share this revelation or 3 things you were reminded or learned by reading this book and
how it applies to your life in this moment.

Just Drive:

Pack a bag and grab your camping gear, food and drink, a map of Idaho and surrounding states, good
music, and your journal.  Do not plan ahead: Pick a direction and drive. You cannot get lost because you have no destination. Turn right when you feel like it and left on a whim, follow a sign for a city name or natural wonder (mountain/waterfall) that sounds cool. Enjoy the scenery, stop along the way to take pictures, buy veggies, picnic, and see a road side attraction: like the world’s largest ball of twine. Just enjoy the journey, no stress of where you will end up and no plans or goals of being somewhere by a certain time, just drive.  Write in your journal about your stops, your feelings of having no plans and just totally being in the moment.

*This can be altered to make it a day trip or weekend trip /with or without a friend/

Please adhere to all road and traffic safety rules and please don’t drive too late at night or if you are
tired. Also due to the shortened month of August this activity may be moved to another month as time


On each piece of the puzzle write a word that describes Shannon, the Shannon you know you are and
what you appreciate and have in this moment (6 pieces). Then write words or phrases of who you
want to be and what you would like to have in your future (6 pieces). Decorate the pieces and then
each day put a piece of the puzzle together thinking about the word or phrase you wrote on the piece
and appreciate who you are in this moment .  On day 12 contemplate and write in your journal about
how these individual unique pieces of the puzzle come together to make a whole complete picture of
Shannon and sometimes in life it takes awhile for these pieces to come together to make the whole

Farmers Market:

Bring your new bag (arriving in the mail) to a local farmers market and fill the bag with wholesome
nutritious food for one meal. Be in the moment while picking out the veggies/fruit: Feel the produce/
smell the produce/listen to your stomach and buy what sounds good and feels good. Prepare one meal
using only what you buy from the market. I like the idea of continuing the be in the moment while
cooking the meal: improvise the recipe; go off of taste and smell. No other thoughts at this time, focus
only on the food.

Call a Friend:

Choose one (or more) friend(s). Call them and just listen. Make it about them, do not think about how
what they are telling you affects you or relates to you, what you are going to say next or how what they
are saying makes you feel of what you have or don’t have in your life.  Just listen and be in the moment.
Listen.  Make it about them.

Flying Wish Paper:

In your journal write down at least 5 things you are grateful for and appreciate now in your life
There are three sheets (arriving in the mail). Use a pencil.
Using one red sheet for each focus on and write down:

1. Concerns/burdens/old baggage you want to let go of

2. Wishes/dreams/desires  for immediate future

3. Wishes for family and friends

Focus on your wish as you roll the red paper into a tight ball –size of a marble

Unwrap the red paper and smooth it out (crinkly but flat)
Shape the colorful bird paper into a tube by wrapping it around your index finger (diameter of a
quarter). Use the circle on the bird paper as an approximate guide.
Stand the tube upright on the Wish bird paper and touch a match to the top edge. Don’t blow out the
match in the direction of the tube. The paper will burn in a flame and then lift off and take your wishes
to the heavens!

Tea and Cookies:

With a clear mind brew some tea from Laos (arriving in the mail) and buy some thin cookies(ginger thins are best) but plain animal crackers work as well. With this activity it is hard to think about anything else because you must concentrate on the fine art of cookie dunking in hot tea. Clear your mind, take a cookie and learn the fine art of dunking your cookie into the hot tea without it crumbling into the tea (cookie must be soft but not crumbling). It is a fine art! Eat and enjoy !

Lunch for a Stranger:

Option #1: A part of being in the moment and appreciating the “what is” (ex: having a job with money
coming in) go to a restaurant like a Denny’s where older people who may be living on a fixed income
dine. Go to the register and pay for an elderly person dining alone (no need to say who it’s from or tell
the person).  Just pay the persons bill at the register.

Option#2:  Ask to join the lone elderly diner and pay the bill, getting to know a new person in the


Knowing diversity is important to you research volunteer opportunities that will allow you to work with
and get to know people.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Opening, For that is What This Chapter is About

      "My mother said to me, 'If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope.' Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso." - Pablo Picasso

       This video has been on my mind, particularly right around the 2:30ish mark. Jay-Z has never been high on my list of artists (though his wife has!), but this video and reading his book made me reconsider. I could see the anthropologist/artist in him trying to speak his truth.

And that is what I think Paul is asking me to do.

Chapter 1 author Paul wisely was reluctant to write this chapter as he knows that we all must write our own chapter, as it is our truth that is the most important. I heart-feltly agree.

There have been times in my life when I just do. When I hear my intuition and do it, even when it hurts, because I have trusted.

I feel I have let that dissipate. Doing Paul's exercises each day (live and let live, forgive, positive choice revision, and meditate on fears), I've noticed the themes that kept coming up were need for love, community, trying to forgive myself and addressing regret, and to speak my voice. I also had a hard time understanding the bigger things that were happening when I was focused on what was wrong. I noticed in reading my 4 daily prompt writings backwards (as suggested by our month's author) that I had in fact been trying to work on love and community. Yet, my intuition and voice were telling me that it is okay to pursue it in what works best for YOU. The cause of my fear and anxiety are ability to hear and do, and this is where I need some work.

Don't we all? I understand Paul's concern about not wanting to write suggestions for how to make this progress, as I need to find my own truth to do that, and trust that the most. Yet, I am using this project - and hoping others are, as well - to question if we can trust in a community to offer a new way of trying (an energy) to get to those same pesky fears that will then allow you some change of your own accord.

We all hold on to things tightly (some more than others) as we want something to make sense and work. Yet, I am reminded that when we let go, the best learning and growth occurs. By letting go, I have had these amazing experiences and people in my life. I can remember when I had more trust, people would ask me why I was doing something. And sometimes I couldn't even put it into words but just because I knew I needed to put myself in that different situation to get to that place I knew I wanted the developing me to be.

So, half-way through this month of Being Present with Perspective, I think Paul's 4 daily prompts have done just that. Allowed me to get some perspective but work on still being present in my day. I still struggle, but the process is helping me. It is telling me I have what it takes to conquer the fears, if I am I just able to let go and VOICE & DO what I trust, even when it is hard and hurts.

When I am caught up in being bold enough to do what makes me tick, I don't need to ask or worry. I can let go, and then my voice and intuition work easily. I think that is why I like that one part of Jay-Z's video the best. His video is about using the energy of each other.  For most of the video,  he is bold and quite sure of himself, then an older woman throws him off and he isn't fixed on his showmanship, and he is truly himself because he is just doing, letting go, and thereby growing.

This spring I was on top of the Empire State Building, and suddenly I started crying, really out of no-where. It was this moment where I heard to let go, to be open to love. I heard it. Perhaps working on these 4 daily ideas will strengthen trust in it.

        The world is not of corners, nor places square to hide
its more of holes and open ends and circles held inside.
                 The sky is not of vaulted arch with clouds of brick and stone
its vast and wide and spread out thin with arches all its own.
                     My mind is not of metered rhyme with words which can describe
the space and change and endlessness which everywhere I find.

...and so I stop to contemplate the patterns kept in time.
                                                     -Char Wolff, 19.10.2003

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Chapter 1 (point 5): August (Dignified)- Perspective While Being Present by: Paul Martin

Chapter 1: August (Dignified) - Perspective While Being Present**

Part one:

 Live and let live

When we hear one opinion we deeply disagree with we will not dismiss it; we will seek to understand the holder of the opinion and why the opinion is their “truth.”  We will right down their truth in the simplest terms we can understand.

Part two:

Actively forgive

When we feel injured by the action(s) or words of another person (or ourselves), we will look at why we feel injured and what we did to bring about the injury.  We will write it down in the way most true to our
understanding at the time.

Part three:

Reeling through the years-

We will list on paper the most major life changing choices we have made over the last four years and write about them in only positive terms.  These are the choices that have caused us anxiety, doubt, and discomfort.

Part four:

Making friends with fears

We welcome anxiety, doubt, and discomfort as messages about ourselves and not about our choices.  We will develop a daily meditation to let go of our contrived desires and to welcome what the day may bring
us – wanted or unwanted.  We will continue with the meditation as long as it serves us well.


Review all in reverse order. Draw conclusions. Share with someone.

**editor's note**

I personally think this is a great start (big ups, Paul!) to this journey of rediscovery. Challenging yet attainable goals that The Wonder (Shannon Nicole) can be accountable. I also believe part 3 is an especially healing step in realizing past 'bad' decisions are merely stepping stones on a staircase to now. -CR

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Players' Bios

Proudly, introducing the players!

Shannon, Protagonist
Shannon is the spearhead of this project, who has decided to experiment with  being an open book and trusting in her friends to write a chapter of her life for a month. She hails from MO, via Bmore, and now is in Boise. She is an educator, biker, dancer, creative type who likes to write a bit, loves her friends and family a lot, and really loves ice cream.

Cous cHAd, Project Manager
 cHAd would like to formally announce his role as "Project Manager"

Qualifications: managed to raise a guinea pig for a few years as well as managing the life of some bamboo in his apartment when he had one.

Send your chapters to him (ZeesGuy aka Shannon "The Wonder" Twenter's cousin Chad)

Char (also our January Wild Card), Confidant

While I can easily describe how I know Shannon (aka 'the river'), I can only speculate as to why she did me the honor of including me in this project. Our roots go all the way back to the mid-90s, when we shared a bus ride together from Dublin airport at the start of our short and sweet semester abroad in Ireland. Later a shared love for Smithwicks (and other similar beverages) solidified our friendship. Like Shannon, I'm a bit of a rolling stone, and started moving across the States, and now from country to country.  But varying distances across space and time have failed to shake the foundations of that friendship. We've managed to share clothes, careers, books, beers, poetry, and cheers for over 15 years (often in pubs and apartments scattered throughout the east coast). I suppose the fact that I can read and write English qualifies me to make a contribution to this OpenBook project.

Nicole, Maestro

Shannon and I became friends ten years ago.  Connected, initially and fittingly, by our work as opportunity advocates for youth in Baltimore City.  I can't begin to put words to all that Shannon adds to my life.  What I can say is that it's infinitely richer, more joyful, and more full of heart and fun:  Dawson's Creek reenactments, Tour de France/Bike Jam, Beyonce, Bay Bridge Runs, cinnamon rolls with frisbee golf, soaking wet Western Maryland hikes, decked out Oscar nights in my apartment, camping trips to the Pocono Islands in January, Cameran....She reminds me how beautifully human it is to be a thoughtful woman in the world in search of meaning, peace, and happiness.

I live in Baltimore with my dog, Townes.

Amy, Writing Advisor

Official Bio to Come: We like to dance, write, and visit places like Marfa, TX. So we are friends. She lives on a lovely block in Bmore -once down the block from our fabulous love chapter writer. She can be found creating some environmental change with Univ. of MD, writing up a storm for publiations to be named, and dancin' a tango in Fell's Point.

Kristina, Travel Visionary

While Shannon and I do not share an extended history together, that should not discount our bond. I met Shannon five years ago while we were both teaching in Baltimore City. When our paths first crossed, Shannon was my mentor, an experienced educator who not only engaged at-risk adolescents in the process of education but could also inspire and challenge these youth to become productive members of society. Then over an impromptu happy hour one day after work (where so many great ideas are born), Shannon and I joined forces and conceived the project Life’s Hardest Things. This collaborative effort spanned our relative disciplines and pointed to themes of tolerance, diversity, change, and growth. And so our friendship blossomed from there.  


August: Perspective While Present Writer, Paul
I would like to paraphrase something from The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy, "Vell, [he's] just zis guy, you know?"

August: Perspective While Present Non-Labeled Contributor,  Mindy
I am honored to write a chapter for August. Shannon and I have known each other since before we were born (our parents were friends and pregnant at the same time). We have had many of adventure and amazing times together. From crashing a double bike into garden bushes, selling magazines dressed in 70's clothes, singing in a band called The Pickles, publishing our own newspaper, carpooling and navigating high school together, taking road trips and sharing life's ups and downs as adults. I am blessed to have Shannon in my life and lucky to call her a friend.

September: Faith Writer, Kellie
Met at Sylvan Beach Foundation as coworkers. Grew into friends over ice cream, family/faith conversations, and shared love of what we do. Continues her glory as a soulful singer. Now a fabulous music teacher and mother of 1 and 1 more in September.

September: Faith Wild Card, Dawn

I have been friends with Shannon for over 2o years.  We never went to school together, but worked at a movie theater together.  I have always had what I feel to be a strong faith in God and have made it through some really difficult situations because of strength I found through Him.  I am not Catholic, so Shannon's family always referred to me (in a joking way) as Shannon's Pagan friend.

October: Love Writer, Paige

"What will survive of us is love." Hearts on sleeves are good things, skywriting declarations of adoration are totally underrated, and telling that someone who doesn't love him or herself that there is a lot to love is Paige's credo. At home in Baltimore with husband Alex and adored son Ezra, Paige works to keep her heart open with her students at Roland Park Country School, where she is ninth grade dean. For ten years, she has created a list of favorite things (nod to Julie Andrews). Shannon is on the list.

October: Love Wild Card, Bob
Bob LaPointe is a critical care nurse who works as a Clinical Nurse Leader at the VA hospital in Philadelphia. He and Shannon met through a tribe of friends in the glorious post-college-days haze that was Baltimore, way back around the turn of the century. He now lives with his wife and three kids in South Jersey. He does not blog. Yet. 
 November: Career Writer, Laurie

Official Bio to Come. First job out of college I met Laurie in NYC where we worked, socialized, and lived together. She is strength defined. Mother of 1, beautiful soul, and social worker/advocate/ PhD candidate extraordinaire. 

November: Career Wild Card, Trisha

Official Bio to Come. Will always be referred to as my roommate. Has added so much to my life in adventure, travel, talks, education, and finding anew. Only time I was asked by a bar to stop karaoking was with Trisha.

December: Creativity Writer, Erin

I am an artist, teacher and manic creative from Kansas City Missouri. Shannon picked me for December/Creative because I am fearlessly devoted to following my own creative path regardless of the results or where that might lead me in ten years. Nothing is impossible or out of my reach. Following my own creative path introduced me to Shannon. She was and still is a warm sun that reminds me to be the best person I can be.

December: Creativity Wild Card, Krista 

I am an outdoor enthusiast who works for a trails organization and hopes to inspire the next generation of trail users, outdoor leaders, and environmental stewards. I have also had the honor of meeting some amazing people in my life and good friendships are valuable to me.  I do my best to keep in touch with friends by writing letters, printing Valentine’s cards, and sending solstice and New Year’s updates. I know that getting something in the mail that is not junk mail or a bill will make the recipient smile. So every time I create something for a friend I know my time is well spent.

January: Theme TBD/Home/Commitment/Confidence Writer, Crystal

 I've known Shannon for... could it be a decade now? We met in Baltimore, thanks to Nicole Y. My earliest memories of Shannon are fuzzy, but some things stand out: that she wore a dress that she had made herself, her smile, that she played ice hockey (wow), Fluid Movement, her struggle to find not only work but a vocation, her cool friend Trisha (birds of a feather flock together), and that she seemed entirely unaware of how attractive she was. I mean: that bone structure! But my strongest early memories of Shannon have nothing to do with events or places, so much as they have to do with her inspiring warmth and openness to people, experience, and the world.

Honestly, I don't know why Shannon picked me - I'm intimidated by this! - but I'm guessing that she knows how much I appreciate and admire her and how much I hope for her happiness and fulfillment. And I suppose that, as a philosophy professor, I should know a little bit about what it might mean to live life well.

About me: female, nearing 40, living in Vermont w/dog, husband, & job. 

January: Theme TBD/Home/Commitment/Confidence  Wild Card, Charlotte

While I can easily describe how I know Shannon (aka 'the river'), I can only speculate as to why she did me the honor of including me in this project. Our roots go all the way back to the mid-90s, when we shared a bus ride together from Dublin airport at the start of our short and sweet semester abroad in Ireland. Later a shared love for Smithwicks (and other similar beverages) solidified our friendship. Like Shannon, I'm a bit of a rolling stone, and started moving across the States, and now from country to country.  But varying distances across space and time have failed to shake the foundations of that friendship. We've managed to share clothes, careers, books, beers, poetry, and cheers for over 15 years (often in pubs and apartments scattered throughout the east coast). I suppose the fact that I can read and write English qualifies me to make a contribution to this OpenBook project.

Roles still being determined based OR advisees on monthly areas:

Dana? - Areas of expertise: Present while Perspective, Love

Official Bio to Come. Often refer to her as my person. She and I met in Phillie often as our 1/2-way point between Bmore and NJ. Now we are both west. She, husband Dave, brave dog CC live in CO and are hiking it up and living it simple. Always game for some coffee, newspaper reading, LL Cool J visits, and a restaurant walking tour.

Beth - Areas of expertise: career, love

Official Bio to Come: Met in Bmore as educators. Spent time seeking target rich environments, water balleting on/off land, and making vision boards. Holding a place in her antler-filled garage for my kayak in Severna Park, MD with husband Ryan, daughter Kate, and pup Brady.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Chapter 1...A delayed beginning

              On the 1st of the month,  the project manager will post the chapter for the month. Yet, I got started a bit late on this, and so didn't give my writer enough time to contemplate his involvement or his writing, so we are giving it a bit more time and allowing August to be a bit more fluid in how the chapter evolves

Today with the theme of being present, I was able to run through my new neighborhood and notice the beautiful flowers, enjoy listening to Grace Potter's All You Need is Love, and watch some Martha Graham dance videos.

I spoke with my wild card for August, who is not abiding by the rules or the labels. She is the non-labeled mid-month contributor who has decided to submit her "chapter" via mail and props. I will list those items and directives when they arrive.

My thoughts going into this month are definitely influenced by the book, The War of Art.  It talks about the resistance to going after your true self, and that when you are able to follow the difficult and challenging path of listening to your self, there are those who will light the way. I feel that my true self is speaking to me, and it is I who needs to have the faith, love, creativity to trust in following it. So Chapter 1 begins with a hope that my writers urging me to appreciate the present will help me begin.