Friday, August 30, 2013

Step into September (from Kellie)

-In asking me to challenge you in Faith, I assume you knew already I would try to get you a little closer to this rad dude that I know pretty well, my first challenge is for you to read a chapter of the Gospel of John every day (there are only 21 chapters, so give or take a few days for scheduling purposes)

-5 Sundays/weekends in September...try 4 churches or places of worship that interest you and "try" to have a real conversation with someone who interests you there (I know sometimes this is impossible, so that's why I say try).  On the 5th Sunday reflect on the experiences and revisit your favorite and try to reconnect with that person you talked to, if possible

-your meditation is awesome, don't stop!  Love the tattoo, can't wait to see it in real life :-)  Just add one layer to it, which is journaling a potential response from God every now and then when you feel He may be speaking

-Blog one positive thing in one of these areas each week: Career, Community, Character, Companion and/or what I would like to call the spiritual layer binding all of those together: Calling.  So, only 5 categories, and 7 days a week, so 2 categories will get double entries, but let your circumstance dictate which ones they are

That's it, I am praying you have some enlightenment in the areas you have unrest in and grow stronger in the areas you are confident.  Praying that you learn to hear Gods voice more clearly in your life, that you may trust Him and trust yourself more as you journey.

(and a pic of Cousin Chad pretending to meditate on a waterfall. some how relevant) 

1 comment:

  1. Woah Kellie - here i go, this doesn't seem like an easy month, but didn't think it would be. Excellent pic o' Chad.
